Episode 13: E. Lily Yu's "Cartographer Wasps and the Anarchist Bees"
School is drawing near, but never fear, another episode of the Colored Pages Book Club is here! Join Ako and Marci as they chat about influential allegories/stories from their childhood, colonialist wasps, and what would happen if a historic social oppressor suddenly...disappeared.
Note: There is a spoiler from the video game, Tales of the Abyss, in the intro of this episode. (We know it came out in 2005, but, hey, maybe you're late to the game…literally lol)
Note Part II: Ako misspoke -- The murder of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria, NOT the Prince of Serbia started off World War I!
Intro: 00:00 - 14:22
Plot Summary: 14:45 - 23:30
Discussion: 23:30 - 45:20
Also, if you’d like to read a “SparkNotes-esque” fun summary of this section, check out the lit notes here!