“We are nothing more than humans, and that’s nothing less than astounding”

Lit Notes: Isabel Allende's "House of the Spirits" Part 2

[Book Plot Summary]

Chapter 7 

  • Clara and the gang escape back to the capital, Jaime’s in med school now, Nicolas is searching for his identity, and Blanca is pregnant 

  • Bitches is always in and out the house it’s just like weird 

  • Jaime tells Esteban that Blanca is pregnant, who then snatches Jean and is like you’re marrying Blanca to avoid a scandal 

  • Esteban moves back in to the house and all hell breaks loose. He then tells Blanca he killed Pedro Tercero García 

  • Blanca and Jean get married and move away, but Clara tells Blanca that Pedro is def still alive. She and Blanca keep in consistent touch 

  • Nicolas got into dancing, building hot air balloons, and being weird. He had this punk rock girlfriend named Amanda who had a 5 year old brother named Miguel, who for a period lived with them 

  • Jaime is a reclusive medical student and is in love with Amanda because why not 

  • Esteban Trueba became a senator since the maldita Conservative Party won 

  • Meanwhile, Pedro Tercero was depressed, but Father José Dulce Maria with his lit ass got him out of it. Tercero learned how to play music again and actually became v big in radio and shit and moved to the capital 

  • Jaime and Tercero kick it at these Thursday socialist meetings which sound lit than a mf 

  • Nicolas looks up from his antics and realizes Amanda is gone. He visits her and realizes she’s poor AND pregnant. She says he’s too immature for her, but wants Jaime to give her an abortion 

  • Jaime literally googles how to give an abortion and does it successfully 

  • Jaime and Amanda get closer and Esteban Trueba sees a doctor for his shrinking condition and returns, but is still an asshole unfortunately

Chapter 8

  • Blanca and Jean have a lowkey wedding and honeymoon where they’re honestly friends more than they are married tbh. Like hoes be sleeping on opposite sides of the bed and everything 

  • They move to this desert region in the north and get this decadent ass house

  • They have a bunch of indigenous house workers that shade Blanca and put lizards in her food 

  • Blanca finds them expressionless and annoying 

  • She saw one house worker wearing French heels and was like “wut”

  • Jean was horrible with money and literally has niggas at his door waiting in vain for checks 

  • Blanca’s super pregnant btw

  • Jean gets into selling indigenous artifacts which is dumb illegal, but coloziners...

  • Jean eventually finds mummies which are valuable, but creep Blanca out since she thinks she’s being haunted 

  • She breaks into Jean’s photography studio and instead of seeing mummies she sees erotic pics of her indigenous house workers and escapes to the train station wanting to leave this nigga forever 

Chapter 9

  • Blanca’s daughter Alba was born feet first and was said to be lucky boots

  • She was a solitary and quiet girl, preferring solitary plays in the basement or paintings animals a la Rosa/Blanca over hanging out with people her age

  • She was the one person Esteban Trueba liked and would play with. She was close to Clara, fascinated with Jaime’s profession, and subjected to Nicolas’ teachings around minimizing pain

  • Blanca was beautiful and dated hoes, but eventually got back with Pedro Tercero but refused to ever move in with him and abandon her privilege despite his success as a singer and Alba’s confirmation of his existence 

  • Alba met Esteban García and a horrible sexual scene ensued despite her being 6 and his being a young man 

  • García got Trueba’s blessing to do police school  

  • Clara was over life and decided to die on Alba’s 7th birthday, an event leaving Alba serene amidst the pain and loss 

Chapter 10

  • They finally buried Nivea’s head which wtf 

  • Alba was calm and found solace in being able to keep in touch with her grandmother even in death 

  • The house highkey fell apart, niggas left and everything started dying 

  • Bitches ate chickpeas and rice pudding for every ass meal 

  • Jaime and Nicolas lost all interest in the tings 

  • Nicolas became a millennial knowledge guru based on borrowed knowledge from India and profited on it. Eventually, he convinced Alba to shave her head and Esteban was pissed 

  • Nicholas later had a naked protest which literally gave Esteban a heart attack 

  • Alba went to an English school and was weird 

  • Blanca became a servant basically and was reliant on Esteban Trueba for coin and used to make animal sculptures with Mongolian kids with disabilities—or not, honestly they used mad slurs to describe these kids and I was shook

  • Esteban and Jaime grave rob Rosa’s body which disintegrates 

  • Tres Marias was falling under and Esteban’s hysteria around political uprising made him not be taken seriously  

  • Esteban has sex with Tránsito Soto and the brothel was more prosperous. Ugh I don’t care lol

Chapter 11

  • Alba’s in love with Miguel (Amanda’s son) and is a student at university and performatively cares about social justice 

  • She, Miguel, Sebastian Gomez, Ana Diaz, and other hoes join a protest, sit-in thing to demand worker’s rights 

  • Alba gets her period, gets super sick, and has to surrender

  • Esteban García is a policeman that intercepts her and everyone’s pissed to find out she’s Trueba’s granddaughter 

  • Alba’s sick for a few days and recalls her 14th birthday where Esteban García forcibly kissed her and tried to choke her

  • Miguel got over Alba’s secret and they started fuckin like rabbits. He’s a leftist radical and might join the guerrillas and doesn’t want Alba in that bullshit 

  • Jaime and Alba were on the same side of things politically, but Jaime heavily disliked extremism 

  • Jaime is friends with the future president 

  • Jaime reunites with Amanda (after finally meeting Miguel) who suffered from drug addiction and recuperates her

Chapter 12

  • The socialists won and niggas was hype 

  • Alba’s fake ass joins the processions 

  • The rich took they shit and bounced and tried to put they money elsewhere 

  • The conservatives execute an economic sabotage 

  • Pedro Tercero gets a desk job and is sad about it; he and Blanca fall out after, yet again, she refuses to marry him, but this time he takes it seriously and doesn’t talk to her for 2 years 

    • And, with that, Blanca somehow became less interesting 

  • Niggas had nothing cuz all the stores were empty and the lines were hella long 

  • Blanca started getting items off the black market and just keeping them for no reason; Alba would snatch some and give them to Miguel who gave them to the girls 

  • Esteban orders dumb weapons and Jaime and Alba snatch them and bury them 

  • Alba makes weird incestuous comments and Jaime has weird incestuous thoughts wishing he was Miguel 

  • Tres Marias organized and reclaimed their time

  • Esteban came to Tres Marias with a machine gun thinking it would do something and he was immediately taken hostage 

  • Bitches kikied and didn’t care, but Blanca ass decided to save him with Tercero 

  • Oh, and Alba found out Tercero was her dad and it was super unceremonious 

  • Tercero saves Trueba but like why. Girl idk who cares, when is this book over lmao

  • Alba started working at the hospital with Jaime which, again, don’t care 

  • Luisa Mora (the first time she got an actual name) rolls up and was like “you in danger girl” to Alba and it’s implied horrible things finna happen. She tried to tell Esteban to send Alba abroad, but like niggas...so.  

Chapter 13

  • The military staged a coup and gooped the conservatives into thinking they cared about them 

  • Jaime was murdered in a gruesome ass way while coming to the aid of the president 

  • The city was in ruin and an oppressive curfew took over and hoes were going missing 

  • Food came back to the stores, but bitches was too broke

  • Esteban began to regret his bullshit involvement with this party

  • Alba started hiding hoes in her house and sneaking bitches into asylum

  • The rich tried to pretend a little dictatorship was fine to “restore order”

  • Esteban returned to Tres Marias and literally burned it to the ground rendering bitches homeless. GOD he’s such a FUCKING Asshole 

    • Nigga had the nerve to say he felt bad like bitch SHUT UP

  • The poet died and the girls grieved. But also like WHOM?! 

  • Blanca admitted she was hiding Tercero in their house on the low 

  • Blanca and Tercero lived in exile in Canada and Trueba had a moment of decency, but oh wait, Pancha García, so yeah...that nigga is STILL garbage 

  • Miguel resurrected out of the blue and Alba helped him get weapons 

  • Alba started selling everything cuz nothing matters and lowkey got clockt for selling all of Trueba’s weapons 

  • Alba got kidnapped for being with a guerrilla and dumped ominously in front of Esteban García 

Chapter 14

  • Alba was relentlessly tortured by the hands of Esteban García and his goons. She suffered immensely under the conviction of hiding where Miguel was 

  • During this, she reunited with Ana Diaz who also suffered heinous loss and was a huge support to Alba

  • On the brink of death, Alba was visited by Clara who told her to live and do the tings

  • Esteban visits Transito Soto, now a super successful hotel owner, and pleas for her to rescue Alba 


  • Esteban finally died thank God 

  • Alba is by his side and regales how she lost her three fingers (a la Tercero) and was sent to a clinic with this nice nurse named Rojas, then was later sent to a concentration camp for women that was healing and bae, and then escaped to this poor area and was rescued by a short dark woman they never bothered giving a name to. She now tells this to Esteban who’s sad, but still a rapist so like where is the justice 

  • They clean the house blah blah blah 

  • Clara rolls up and helps Esteban die peacefully, UGHHHHHHH FUCK THIS BOOK

  • Alba talmbout how Clara helped her rewrite the tings and discontinue the cycle of hate and that her job is to wait for Miguel, who specifically asked her NOT to wait for him and whose schedule is capricious at best 

  • She’s pregnant now which omg this is too much 

  • Barrabas came to us by sea...? 

[Book Thoughts and Feelings]

  • Blanca fake af for not being with Pedro Tercero like what 

  • Who the FUCK is the poet?!

  • Alba’s game-like approach to justice and her motivations being for a boy are just so tired 

  • Blanca being unwilling to downsize when she’s clearly broke after the election is telling 

  • Why the FUCK did they save Esteban Trueba’s dumb ass 

  • WHY is this nigga alive like the whole goddamn book?! 

  • Gurl this revolution I guess lmao

  • The racism...like everywhere 

  • Bruh how Alba found out Tercero was her dad lmaoooo 

  • Where TF is Nicolas?!

  • Gross that Esteban is dying peacefully like wtf is this 

  • Barrabas being back in the room as a rug while Esteban dies peacefully is literally patriarchy 


Lit Notes: Ryka Aoki's "He Mele A Hilo: A Hilo Song" Part 1

Lit Notes: Isabel Allende's "House of the Spirits" Part 1